Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

Adobe Photoshop Basic

What is Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop image processing software is a very powerful with all amenities. Result image with Adobe Photoshop it is a lot of views on various websites, brochures, newspapers, magazines and other media. To download the Adobe Photoshop, click here.

Understanding the Work Area

Run Adobe Photoshop and then select the menu File -> Open. Then select any open image. For example in the open zhaow.jpg image is in the CD Tutorial PART I (see figure 1.1).

Mengenal Area Kerja Adobe Photoshop

Often the location of tools (palette) Adobe Photoshop has changed modified by the user before. To restore the location of this palette using the menu Windows -> workspace -> Reset Palette Location.

Adobe Photoshop work area can be seen in figure 1.1, namely:

A: Menu Bar, a major command to open the file, save, change the image size, filter and others.

B: Option, contains selections from the tools you select. For example, selected brush / brush, the size / diameter brush here.

C: Image, display images that are created or edited.

D: Pallete Well, a quick way to access the brushes palette, the tool resets and Layer Comps. Can also be used to place the palette used.

E: Toolbox contains tools to select and modify the image.

F: Palette, contains small windows in which there is a command and the options for document / image that is being done.

Opening the document and create a duplicate document

To open the image using the menu File -> Open, and to create a duplicate image using the menu Image -> Duplicate.

Change the image size and canvas

If the image size changed, then the image will expand or decline, you can do with the menu Image -> Image Size. If the canvas size was changed, the size of the image remains, there will be a white paper around the image, do the menu Image -> Canvas Size.

Attempting Toolbox

Try the tools on the Toolbox, items will be discussed in the next chapter. Try right-click on the tool that has a triangle at the bottom of the right to choose the tool that is hidden.

1.3.4. Reflect and Play Pictures

Try the menu Image -> Rotate Canvas -> Flip Canvas Vertical, Image -> Rotate Canvas -> Flip Canvas Horizontal. To rotate the image, select menu Image -> Rotate Canvas -> select the desired angle.


Undo is used to cancel the last command, press Ctrl + Alt + Z, or use the history pallete.

Moving image to another document

To move the image use the Move Tool.

Save for web

Use the menu File -> Save for Web to produce a picture with the small size used on the web site.
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