Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Photoshop Tools

We made this tutorial for beginners who will learn to use image editing software such as photoshop.

The following are the tools that exist in the photoshop:
A. Selection tool
A.1. Marquee Tool
there are 4 types of tools that are included in Marwuee Tools:

1. Rectangular Marquee (Keyboard Shortcut: M, or Shift + M)
Used to create a selection area on the quadrilateral image.

2. Elliptical Marquee (Keyboard Shortcut: M, or Shift + M)
Used to create a selection area ellipse or circle shape in the image.

3. Single Row Marquee
Used to create a selection area on the one line image (the size of a high selection is 1 pixel)
4. Single Column Marquee
Used to create a selection area on the image columns (width size selection is 1 pixel).
A.2. Move Tool
Keyboard shortcut: V
Used to replace / move selection, layers, and guides.

A.3. Lasoo Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: L, or Shift + L to change the type of Lasoo) Consists of 3 types, namely:
1. Lasoo
Used to create a selection area with the free form
2. Polygonal Lasoo
Used to create a polygon-shaped selection area
3. Magnetic Lasoo
Used to create a selection area with the paste
edge selection on a particular area on the image

A.4. Magic Wand Tool
Keyboard Shortcut: W
Used to create a selection area that has a color tolerance serupa.Perbedaan colors can be arranged on the tool bar option.
B. Crop & Slice Tool
B.1. Crop Tool
Keyboard Shortcut: C
Image used to cut (cut and remove certain areas from the image)

B.2. Slice Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: K, or Shift + K to change the slice)
Consists of 2 types, namely:
1. Slice Tool
Used to create pieces of an image
2. Slice Select Tool
Used to select a discount on the image

C.1. Patch / Healing Brush Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: A, or Shift + A tool change)
1. Patch Tool
Used to color / paint the area with a specific image pattern (pattern) or a particular sample. Suitable for memberbaiki damaged image.
2. Healing Brush Tool
Used to color / paint the image pattern or a particular sample. Suitable to improve the image a slightly damaged.

C.2. Stamp Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: S, or Shift + S to change the tool) consists of 2 types, namely:
1. Clone Stamp Tool
Used to depict a sample image with a certain image
2. Pattern Stamp Tool
Used to paint the image using a certain pattern

C.3. Eraser Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: E, or Shift + E to change the type of Eraser)
Consists of 3 types, namely:
1. Eraser
Used to remove the pixel image and restore it to a certain state.
2. Background Eraser
Used to delete a specific image area to become transparent.
3. Magic Eraser
Used to delete a specific image area with a similar color to be transparent with one click.

C.4. Sharpen, blur, smudge tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: R, or Shift + R)
1. Sharpen Tool
Used to reinforce a specific area on the image.
2. Blur tool
Used to refine / obscure areas in the image.
3. Smudge tool
Used to rub / scratch area on a certain image

C.5. Dodge, Burn, Sponge Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: O, or Shift + O)
1. Dodge Tool
Used to explain the colors in a certain area on the image
2. Burn Tool
Used to obscure the color in a certain area on the image
3. Sponge Tool
Used to change the saturation in a particular area on the image.
D. Painting Tool
D.1. Brush Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: B, or Shift + B to change the tool) consists of 2 types, namely:
1. Brush Tool
Image used to paint with brush stroke
2. Pencil Tool
Image used to paint with pencil sketch

D.2. History Brush Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: Y, or Shift + Y to change the type)
Consists of 2 types, namely:
1. History Brush Tool
Used to paint image using the snapshot or history state of Image
2. Art History Tool
Used to paint image using the snapshot or state
history of the image, with a certain artistic model.

D.3. Gradient, Paint Bucket Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: G, or Shift + G)
1. Gradient Tool
Used to paint the selected area (selected area) with
mix many colors.
2. Paint Bucket Tool
Used to paint the selected area with the foreground color
or a certain pattern.
E. AND TYPE Drawing Tool
1.E.1. Selection Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: A, or Shift + A to change the type) consists of 2 types, namely:
1. Path Selection Tool
Used to perform the path selection
2. Direct Selection Tool
Used to change the anchor point and the direction of the path.
E.2. Type Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: T, or Shift + T to change the type) consists of 4 types, namely:
1. Horizontal Type Tool
Used to create any posts horizontally
2. Vertical Type Tool
Used to create any posts vertically
3. Horizontal Type Mask Tool
Selection is used to create any posts shaped horizontally
4. Vertical Type Mask Tool
Selection is used to make any posts in the form of vertical

2.E.3. Pen Tool
1. Pen Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: P, or Shift + P)
Used to create a curved path with a smooth-curve
2. Freeform Pen Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: P, or Shift + P)
Used to create free-shaped path (as us)
3. Add Anchor Point Tool
Used to add the anchor point or point on the path editor
4. Delete Anchor Point Tool
Used to remove the anchor point on the path
5. Convert Point Tool
Used to change direction and the anchor point on the path
E.4. Shape Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: U, or Shift + U to change the type)
1. Rectangle Tool
Used to draw a rectangular shape
2. Rounded Rectangle Tool
Used to draw a rectangle curve
3. Ellipse Tool
Used to draw the ellipse
4. Polygon Tool
Used to draw a polygon
5. Line Tool
Used to draw a straight line
6. Custom Shape Tool
Used to delineate the form of a list of forms that have
F. Annotation, tool measuring & NAVIGATION
F.1. Notes Tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: N, or Shift + N to change the type)
1. Notes Tool
Used to make a note on the image such as copyright.
2. Audio AnnotationTool
Used to make a sound / audio on the image

F.2. Eyedropper, measure tool
(Keyboard Shortcut: I, or Shift + I)
1. Eyedropper Tool
Used to retrieve a sample of the color image to color
2. Color Sampler Tool
Used to retrieve the various colors in the sample image
3. Measure tool
Used to measure the distance or angle in the image

F.3. Hand Tool
Keyboard Shortcut: H
Used to move / transfer image in the field of view in the window view area.

F.4. Zoom Tool
Keyboard Shortcut: Z
Used to enlarge or reduce the display image.

F.5. Background and foreground color
So that the default D then press the foreground and background color of white and black. To swap foreground and background color press X.
F.6. Normal Mode and Quickmask
Normal Mode: All functions such as the brush will be running normally. Quickmask Mode: the brush can be used for selection if cuman quickmask then after that are even on the outside it.

F.7. Screen Mode
To view the display area of windows.

Here are some tools that are often used in helping you to make more pictures, there are many other tools that I will explain next week.

Changing Seasons With Photoshop
Creating Shadows (glass floor)
Photoshop Tools
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