Kamis, 16 Juli 2009

Creatw Light Sword Effect

Step One

Open new canvas, 300W x 550H, 72rgb, transparent background. Set foreground color to color you want for you lightsaber 'glow'. Using rectangular marquee draw out a narrow rectangular shape and fill with the color of your choice.

Don't deselect.

Step Two

Go to Select/Modify/Smooth and enter a value of 5. Ctrl+Shift+I to invert selection and hit delete.

Don't deselect.

Step Three

Go to Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur and enter 9 pixels. Repeat this a few times until you feel you have sufficient 'glow' around your saber. In this example gaussian blur was repeated 6 times.

Step Four

Do Ctrl+Shift+I. Change foreground to white and fill selection. You can now hit Ctrl+D to deselect.. Go to Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur and enter a value of 2.5.

Step Five

Let's make a handle for our Lightsaber. Create a new layer.

Select rectangular marquee and mark out a selection approximately 200 long and 20 pixels wide. Don't deselect.

Step Six

Select elliptical marquee and holding down your shift key, draw a selection at the base of the handle nearest your light saber.

Step Seven

Set Foreground color to AAA6A6 and background color to black.. Select the reflected gradient and draw your gradient from the centre of your selection out.

Step Eight

Go to Filter/Noise/Add Noise and enter value of 10.

Step Nine

Go to Filter/Blur/Motion Blur and enter the angle as -90 and distance as 15.

Step Ten

Go to Filter/Tender/Lens Flare, 105mm and place in the center of the handle hilt nearest the lightsaber.

Step Eleven

You can, if you wish, give the handle more depth by drawing some horizontal black lines from left to right across the handle. Create a new layer for this, then bevel them to give inlaid effect. If you have already done scan lines tutorial use this pattern - here could use the rectangular marquee to mark out the selection below the curved hilt of the handle. On a new layer go to Edit/Fill/Pattern and find scanline pattern. Bevel and emboss.

In this example, Bevel and Emboss was set to Inner Bevel, default settings, and gloss contour changed to half round.

Source :http://www.dwphotoshop.com
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